Bidding Request Form
Bidding Request Form
If you prefer order via e-mail, please use this form.

Your Name Email
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Country Address
Omit OK, if you ordered once/or you need privacy(teach us later).
Telephone (for post office use)          Please check if you save your information in this PC.

Payment Method Paypal
IPMO (International Postal Money Order) / Eurogiro
Bank Remittance (Wire Transfer)
Cash (Yen) Cash (US Dollar) Cash (Euro)

Auction URL or Auction ID Item summary
(for example: figure, game soft, etc)

Additional Comment

Please check if you need a copy mail of your order.

JIGS will respond you within 24 hours with information.
(like Paypal account/bank info)

If you can't submit the order because of sever trouble, use
this form with your e-mail please.

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