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¥Ó¥ó¥Æ¡¼¥¸¡¡¥ß¥Ã¥­¡¼¥Þ¥¦¥¹¡¡¥Ð¥ó¥É¥ê¡¼¥À¡¼¡¡MIckey Mouse Plastic Figure 1970ǯÂå¡¡£Íickey Mouse Drum Major

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Seller : krea7 (1,883)
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Seller's rating : 1,883 (Positive: 99.8%)
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Item Information
Current Price:7,800 Yen
Time Left: 6 day
Init Price: 7,800 Yen
Start Time: 2024.06.01 (Sat) 20:21 JST
End Time: 2024.06.08 (Sat) 20:21 JST
Auction ID: k1122756675
Item Status: Damaged
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Item Information

Plastic Figure Mickey Mouse Drum Major¡§

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Mickey leads the Disneyland Marching Band as their celebrity Drum Major.
Mickey Mouse was known for leading processions down Main Street U.S.A. and around the Plaza,
before heading toward Town Square, and taking time to interact with guests.

¡öThe drum major serves as the liaison between the band director and the band. Essentially, a drum major is the leader who keeps the tempo with the use of a baton or other forms of time-keeping, such as conducting. The drum major often holds the responsibility to keep the band organized and structured.¡ö

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