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/3.06/ Liberating Rites: Understanding The Transformative Power Of Ritual 170530¦Ä

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Seller : sugotaka (8,012)
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Seller's rating : 8,012 (Positive: 100%)
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Current Price:2,200 Yen
Time Left: 11 hour
Init Price: 2,200 Yen
Start Time: 2024.06.22 (Sat) 21:31 JST
End Time: 2024.06.23 (Sun) 21:31 JST
Auction ID: r193110277
Item Status: A little Damaged
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Item Information

¥¿¥¤¥È¥ëLiberating Rites: Understanding The Transformative Power Of Ritual (±Ñ¸ì)
Ãø¼ÔTom Driver
½ÐÈǼÒWestview Press
ÀâÌÀOriginally published as The Magic of Ritual.In his introduction to Liberating Rites, Tom Driver writes, ¡ÈAt its most elemental level, this book is a response to what I shall call ¡Æritual boredom.' This is a condition in which people have become fundamentally weary of rituals available to them for giving their lives shape and meaning.¡É Driver proceeds to illuminate ritual anew by removing it from its liturgical wrappings and presenting it as something raw, basic, and central to all living beings. He then examines the varied ways humans use ritual to give order to their lives, to provide a sense of security and control, especially in the face of extreme danger (witness the new wave of pilgrimage to Oklahoma City federal building's fenced-off shell). From there, Driver looks closely at how ritual creativity and performance are central to enacting religious beliefs and how rituals serve to transform individuals into members of communities.


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